Wholistic Dermatology
Medical Practice

Meet Dr. Julia T. Hunter

Listen, learn and understand the importance of treating ALL the Pieces of the Body’s Puzzle. The skin is a window to what is going on internally – which is WHY it is imperative to discover and treat the CAUSE HEALTHFULLY, NON-TOXICALLY and SUCCESSFULLY – not just treat symptoms in perpetuity, with SCIENTIFICALLY-CORRECT Formulations, Medical and Technology Procedures.

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“As a Physician, I am dedicated and sworn to do no harm, yet provide maximal results in all Product Treatments, Professional Peels, Formulations and Medical Procedures.”
Julia T. Hunter M.D., Dermatologist, Formulator and Founder, Wholistic Dermatology

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Dr. Hunter practices in the US and the UK, and is available for Phone and Skype Consultations.

Wholistic Dermatology
Medical Practice

Meet Dr. Julia T. Hunter

Listen, learn and understand the importance of treating ALL the Pieces of the Body’s Puzzle. The skin is a window to what is going on internally – which is WHY it is imperative to discover and treat the CAUSE HEALTHFULLY, NON-TOXICALLY and SUCCESSFULLY – not just treat symptoms in perpetuity, with SCIENTIFICALLY-CORRECT Formulations, Medical and Technology Procedures.

“As a Physician, I am dedicated and sworn to do no harm, yet provide maximal results in all Product Treatments, Professional Peels, Formulations and Medical Procedures.”
Julia T. Hunter M.D., Dermatologist, Formulator and Founder, Wholistic Dermatology

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Why Wholistic Dermatology?

“Wholistic” means addressing and treating the body as a ‘whole’ – inside and out by combining Skin AND Integrative Internal Medicine – pursuing the cure rather than just treating the symptoms in perpetuity.

Julia T. Hunter, M.D. is an internationally known Dermatologist, Formulator and Founder of Wholistic Dermatology, Skin Therapy by Julia T. Hunter M.D. Skin Products and Professional Peels, Skin Fitness Plus Synergistic Supplements, Tooth and Gum Helath Prevantatives, and Skin Physiology Bio-identical Hormones and Ingredient Optimizer Base compounding cream, located in Beverly Hills, CA, USA.

Dr. Hunter’s scientifically and physiologically correct treatment methodology addresses the body as a ‘whole’ – from the inside and out, optimizing skin and body health to identify, to first find and treat the CAUSE of the problem at all times. Dr. Hunter developed this science-based, yet simple formula to substantiate her methodology – from health comes greater beauty, quality longevity and happiness.

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Beverly Hills: 8644 Wilshire Blvd. #202, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Hours: MON-FRI 9:30AM – 6PM

Phone: (310) 247-8744


Florida: Neo Derm Medical Spa

3400 Sutton Park Drive South; Suite 1103 Jacksonville, FL 32224                                                                                                           

Phone: +1 (904) 800-4686 



UK: Tempus Belgravia

11a W Halkin St, London SW1X 8JL, United Kingdom

Phone: +1 (310) 247-8744

EMail: practice@juliathuntermd.com

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