Why Professional Strength Peels
We recommend you to have a Skin Care Professional that you utilize at minimum every three months for at least a necessary and MOST importantly scientifically CORRECT, Professional Strength Peels, skin cleaning and more aggressive exfoliation because even though my skin products are the MOST MAXIMAL and physician strength that skin formulations can be, if you are optimized internally and externally then the skin growth is so youthful that you need STEP ONE – REPAIRING EXFOLIANT or STEP TWO – RETINOL RESTORATION or STEP THREE -PERFECTING PEEL for MORE. You tune up your car, upgrade your exercise routine and weight lifting amount and you have to do the same when skin is maximally functioning because it is pushing old damage, pigment, dead skin to the surface and you anti-age and look younger/better/prevent faster by adding these intermittently.

This peel is the NONtoxic, BEST results producing, unique, all skin colors and types acceptable, alternative to the old, side effect and down time issues treatments used such as ablative lasers of all types (i.e. Sciton, Fraxel, Pearl, Restore etc-there are a million of them that have different names but the same technology), Blue Peel, Cosmelan, TCA, Jessner, Glycolic. RETINOL RESTORATION because it is MAXIMAL dose retinol, penetrates THE MOST deeply to treat as MUCH of the depth of the skin as possible, other than a NON-ablative laser such as Endymed 3 Deep or Thermage. This peel should be used BEFORE laser treatments because lasers work on collagen and this peel optimizes youthful collagen production so when you spend money on lasers they work the best rather than a small percentage of the result because you have older or stretched out or a small amount of collagen. The same goes if you are having surgery- to optimize healing and best results.