Why, Which & How to Use Supplements – Part 6

 I am now informing you about what solutions I recommend to treat particular symptoms/conditions that may need/want improving/resolution so you add these if needed/desired to help to attain more optimal functioning.

16. PREGNENOLONE/MEMORY SUPPORT/SPLEEN CHI— we all often need more brain power and focus and attention and self-discipline and endurance and energy and whatever helps us find words, remember, be more conscious and “present”.  .  PREGNENOLONE is the Mother hormone which is manufactured in the body from Cholesterol (as are all cell membranes, hormones, neurotransmitters, which is why lowering cholesterol ”too low” is such a controversial topic in today’s world as you need some for making these critical chemicals).  When Pregnenolone is found to be low on blood work, it is often associated with challenged adrenal gland and even thyroid gland function, whose treatments are addressed in the above numbers, because the body “steals” all the pregnenolone to make cortisol, an adrenal hormone that is either too high or too low when all the pregnenolone is depleted when the adrenals glands are challenged.  As this is all occurring there is often the complaint of being exhausted with poor endurance and ”brainpower” and stress endurance. This usually occurs after age 30-35+.  Taking Pregnenolone can ameliorate those symptoms but in my practice I would FIRST have addressed the adrenal gland function, as above #4, because the body may repair its own pregnenolone levels which is always better, in which case symptoms improve and also be exercising, which helps as well to help increase all hormone levels including Growth Hormone and it is VERY helpful to learn strategies to manage/purge stress.

If you feel, despite all the above, you need Pregnenolone (or in my practice I often use to help with focus in attention issues), due to persistent suboptimal, low energy, brain power and focus-  in my practice I recommend to begin by taking 1-10mg pill once a day in the AM for 5 days and if brainpower and energy continue to lag in the afternoon, then to add 1 pill after lunch and every 5 days if  more is needed my patients can increase 1  pill per day every 5 days to a max of 4-5 pills twice a day ideally AM and after lunch or before 4 PM as long as you are sleeping well.  TOO much pregnenolone and your brain can temporarily feel “speedy” or even “spacey” and I have once had a patient report increase in libido for an hour or two then I tell my patients to decrease back by the one pill you added for the next dose at that time.   I recommend you take Pregnenolone if needed 5-6 days per week.  I find in my practice that there is better symptom resolution if the dose is taken 1/2 in the AM and 1/2 in the afternoon rather than all at one time/one dose per day.

MEMORY SUPPORT–synergistic WITH pregnenolone OR if energy is good without pregnenolone but brainpower and focus and improved self-discipline for task completion are desired to be improved, I recommend Memory Support-see the instruction sheet for why and how.  It is the combination of ingredients that helps provide the desired improved brainpower and focus. A long used supplement that has enjoyed many satisfied consumers.  These brain assisting products I consider as helping prevention with Alzheimer’s however look in the hormone section of the website for more about addressing Alzheimer’s prevention and also talk with your health provider about getting a blood test for Apolipoprotein E as well.  MEMORY SUPPORT I use in my practice 1-3 pills once or twice a day AM and after lunch up until 6PM as needed as long as sleeping well.  Should not impact sleep however some people are sensitive to ANYTHING in which case in my practice I tell patients to take earlier in the day or a lower second dose.

SPLEEN CHI–a Chinese INTRINSIC botanical Spagyric–in today’s world when we are continually challenged and exhausted with tasks, communication, organization, less time for sleep and relaxation, all the electronics which impact us, after addressing energy, brain, and immune as all above AND the adrenals specifically (and thyroid function if indicated) and pregnenolone if needed, next to help support and enhance energy and endurance and resolve energy exhaustion is SPLEEN CHI.

Begin with 1 dropperful AM and after lunch for 5 days then if more balanced energy is desired increase by one dropperful per day every 5 days to a max of 3-4 dropperful twice a day. The energy boost is a balanced one I find in my practice that builds over time. I recommend taking for 1 bottle, then stopping for 2-3 months, then can take another bottle if needed and another bottle 2-3 times per year but ideally you are improving health and energy and attempting to solve the cause with diet, exercise, supplementation and Physica remedies, bio-identical hormones (if needed) and indicated, healthy sleep and lifestyle balance with rest and happiness. Then you may just desire Spleen Chi at very prolonged stressful times intermittently.

17. TIME RELEASE (TR) NIACIN/RED YEAST RICE–these are in my practice alternatives to prescription statins and these alternatives I have used for years in my practice as successfully along with their other health practitioners and specialists, to lower overproduction or inadequate handling by the body of lipids/cholesterol/LDL/VLDL/Triglycerides/lipo and apo-lipoproteins.   IF the HEALTHY diet defined all over the website and exercise as recommended and supplementation #1-16 progressively have not resolved in my practice the overabundance/overproduction/liver accumulation of lipids issue or plaque (over time of course) in the blood vessels and progressive clearing and improvement then I add these in my practice and if you have Lipoprotein A then I advise my patients to start earlier in my practice as I am energetically about doing all I can for prevention and anti-inflammation.

Sustained release niacin has been and remains a prescribed pharmaceutical and it is also a supplement, but in my practice I recommend only TIME RELEASE NIACIN as is the choice for helping to protect in the liver.  I find in my practice that TR Niacin works beautifully and consistently to help lower LDL, Triglycerides, Total cholesterol and liver congestion by stored lipids and to help lower the small lipoproteins which genetically you may produce as shown by your lipoprotein particle count (I recommend Spectracell or Hunter Heart Profile blood work for these) in the patients as described below.  Those patients of mine in my practice who get any niacin flush initially are the ones whose livers I find need clearing of accumulated lipids and I surmise toxins, which is why also I am having them progressively take the internals #1-16 as indicated or more-progressively.  TR Niacin in my practice can ONLY be taken WITH food in the middle or end of the meal to help minimize or avoid niacin flushing and my patients are told they cannot take TR Niacin with hot sauce and sometimes coffee  as those seem to contribute to some flushing temporarily-red, itchy rash/sometimes some whelps for about 30 minutes is what defines a  niacin rash in my practice then the disappears and I remind my patients that they are not having an allergic reaction rather a temporary niacin flush if within 30 minutes of taking their TIME RELEASE NIACIN dose. I NEVER USE REGULAR NIACIN.

Also patients of mine who have flushing,  I suggest taking one of their doses at bedtime so they generally don’t even know if they flush when they are asleep and if they have a niacin reaction that is bothersome, it normally only occurs at the beginning of beginning to take TR NIACIN.  In my practice I recommend patients take 1-4 pills per day of the TR Niacin depending on how high their LDL 3, Lipoprotein A, triglycerides, Total Cholesterol are and I recommend they take those breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime.

I always recommend monitoring liver enzymes (GGT, SGPT) when my patients are on TR Niacin and if taking with or without RED YEAST RICE which I describe in my practice as the statin that nature produced.  In my practice, if a patient has high lipoprotein A then I would recommend to treat with TR niacin for this (along with diet, exercise, healthy habits, optimizing internal organs and Vitamin D3 and Omega 3 fish oil) and again a controversy in the world of medicine is when to begin to treat Lipoprotein A (which is a very sticky chemical form of cholesterol).  There is a lot of information on this from medical studies which I follow in my practice so I generally recommend, individualizing each patient’s case, the lipoprotein A is rising close to what is normal or if the cholesterol/triglyceride, is climbing near the top of the normal level, to err on the side of keeping the sticky cholesterol level  and LDL especially small dense LDL 3, Apoprotein B, Apoprotein E, triglycerides, L-Plac2  lower as medical studies instruct increasingly rather than allowing higher which has increased risk from worldwide medical studies.  In my practice- although there is medical controversy with this as in everything,  Total cholesterol levels in my patients are never recommended to become less than 160 to not risk the described side effects of low cholesterol and to preserve raw material to make cell membranes and hormones and recommend to keep LDL levels at 60-90 ideally (lower with lipoprotein A patients in m practice) and Triglyceride levels at 70-90 ideally and HDL in the 60-80′s ideally and VLDL low (American normal numbers).

RED YEAST RICE (RYR) is nature’s statin and in my practice I have recommended it successfully for years instead of the pharmaceutical statins as in my practice I find my patients seem not to have side effects with RED YEAST RICE but have excellent lipid control and lack of “events”.  Recommended monitoring in my practice of course, blood work for total Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, VLDL, Triglycerides, Lipoprotein A, Lipoprotein Particle Counts, L-Plac2 apolipoproteins as described in the TR NIACIN section and ALWAYS  homocysteine.  I find that in my practice patients do not suffer the muscle pain, diarrhea, gas, bloating, feeling bad all over aches when using Red Yeast Rice despite lowering their lipids and all to the levels medical studies to date overview recommend, but I ALWAYS recommend CoQ10 WITH RYR nonetheless, 100-300 mg per day of CoQ10 or 2 -4 dropperful of the Physica CoQ10 drops depending on HOW many pills of RYR I recommend the patient in my practice to take based on their blood work results.  I also recommend a RYR formulated by a cardiologist that he uses with his patients because as with ALL supplementation-ingredients, quality sourcing, dosages and formulation govern success.  I recommend my patients to start by taking 1 pill once a day up to 3 pills per day but taking that spread out during the day including one at bedtime IF the LDL4 and liprotein A cholesterols are higher than recommended despite fish oil and diet and exercise as the liver can overproduce lipids genetically as well as due to foods eaten.  I recommend monitoring of my patients’ blood work every 4-6 months depending on their medical condition and history initially then if all is resolving and consistently recommended levels are maintained as I expect and recommend, I may recommend to decrease monitoring to every 6-12 months depending on how consistently stable and at a good number their lipids are and how healthy they are working to be.

IF my patients require RYR AND TR Niacin then I recommend paying attention to the liver having to break down all those pills, so I recommend them take the TR niacin with meals and if needed at bedtime and the RYR between meals ideally say midmorning, midafternoon and midevening ideally and I am having in my practice, patients take supplementation especially for the liver and antioxidants above to support the liver and its clearing.

WHY do I recommend RYR vs.TR Niacin or do I recommend both of them together in some patients? I make sure my patients are having Lipoprotein Particle Count blood work, which your health practitioner can do (I use the Spectracell and Hunter Heart profile blood tests for this) and if I find patients need to have their lipids treated because they are persistently too high and/or they have known strong family or personal history of challenges, “events” such as stroke, heart attack, problems in their blood vessels which MY goals in all that I do for my patients, are to reverse and prevent.  .  I err on the side of caution always in recommending treatment, when and what, to my patients, as there is controversy in medicine as to how low should cholesterol be so there is cholesterol available for the body to manufacture hormones and cell membranes and neurotransmitters-always there is controversy in medicine.

The lipoprotein particle count reveals WHICH genetic chemical form of cholesterol YOUR body tends to or is currently producing and in order to lower the RISK of stroke and heart attacks and blockages in blood vessels and not JUST the lipids NUMBER (amount of cholesterol/LDL, VLDL etc. – lowering the risk is THE PRIORITY of course), your health practitioner has to treat the chemical form of cholesterols you produce with the correct therapies otherwise you lower the number but NOT the risk.   There are pharmaceutical statins or RYR and see above one vs the other in my practice recommendations and/or TR Niacin AND always Omega 3 fish oil and Vitamin D3 and anti-inflammatories, diet, exercise, hydration.  HIGH LDL 3 (small dense LDL) and Lipoprotein A chemical forms-  I recommend in my practice TR Niacin as the first best choice but RYR is needed as well and for high LDL4 I recommend RYR as first choice to help start achieving the goal and if both types, then of course both drugs but Omega 3 fish oil  in my practice recommended for Remnant Lipoprotein AND Apolipoprotein B  and for HDL, and Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL, VLDL and to help keep the blood thinner for my patients’ safety along with GOOD hydration (water 2 liters per day and REHYDRATE and SPECTRALYTE).  Baby Aspirin with food, anti-inflammatories, liver, gut and gall bladder health, Inflamma Life Force with its Serrapeptases, ProARGININE are all recommended adjunctives as well in my practice for preventing and reversing and how much depends on how challenging EACH patient’s genetic lipid challenges are.

In my practice if my patients cannot get a lipoprotein particle count then what are my recommendations for addressing cholesterol levels other than diet and exercise and anti-inflammatories and liver/Gall bladder/gut/hormone if indicated?

I always then recommend Vitamin D3/K2 as instructed in #1 and Omega Gold/3 fish oil EPA +DHA values a total per day of 2-4000 mg per day depending on the lipid levels 1/2 AM and 1/2 PM anytime but bedtime is best because most “events”  are reported to occur early AM and I recommend TR Niacin 1-2 pills per day along with RYR 1-2 pills per day, depending on how high the lipid levels and Chromium 500-1000 micrograms per day for helping to lower their triglycerides if an issue, and all spread out over the day and evening along with internal supplementation to make sure Homocysteine levels are low. In my practice I find it is imperative to optimize thyroid and adrenal function as well and in postmenopausal women estradiol for added protection if possible and indicated to help lower high lipids and then see what has and has not optimized to the levels recommended to achieve, then I may recommend increasing TR Niacin if the triglycerides, Lipoprotein A and total cholesterol only remain too high then I recommend adding RYR if the LDL and/or total cholesterol remain too high and at LEAST L-Plac2 if at ALL possible should be monitored .  IF the lipids are not at the levels recommended then I would recommend increasing TR Niacin and RYR to the max to achieve the levels stated above.  All in all, it is MUCH better to be able to get a Lipoprotein Particle Count/Hunter Heart profile which just happens to have the same name as mine but is a most excellent test or get your health practitioners to order the test individually and in my practice I recommend monitoring the kidneys with a urinalysis to make sure not spilling protein into the urine which implies the kidneys are inflamed and need addressing and uric acid and Fibrinogen are normal.  Your cardiologist/internist/health practitioner you trust, you must work with and all of this is to help inform you of options and alternatives. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and YOU are the CAPTAIN of your HEALTH AND HAPPINESS SHIP! SET SAIL!

18. HEART SONG MILIEU —see the instruction/information sheet as well.  In my practice I find that so many of the skin  issues I am asked to address have a strong emotional contributing component from life’s emotional traumas and stresses and often I see patients who have very much suppressed their hurt and pain.  I find this in my patients-male and female and teens and on occasion, I have given in my practice Heart Song Milieu to traumatized from physical traumas with resulting emotional traumas, young children.   This product seems in my practice to consistently help patients let go somewhat of these issues so they can move forward and address positively. I also find in my practice then that their skin issues and challenges, in particular-their acne blemishes and eczema, psoriasis, stomach and gut issues improve when I give them once or twice a day 4-6 squirts for 1-2 bottles. Healthy results that I see in my practice helps my patients and ME. We are all then happier and more positive and less stressed.

19. HYPOTHAL and PINEAL CODE/ HPA AXIS- all for in my practice optimizing the hypothalamic pituitary axis and pineal glands which all govern all hormone production in the entire body and contribute to mood, aging-internally and externally and energy and focus and sleep.  These glands are often compromised from having head traumas and aging and a number of problems so I recommend in my practice first HypoThal Code for 1 bottle then Pineal Code for 1 bottle and with both 3 dropperful once a day anytime, then HPA Axis which are pills—start with 1 per day for 1 week then can increase to 2 per day for 1 bottle then take 1 bottle of this 2- 3 times a year ideally for helping to maintain more youthful function.

20. WILD OREGANO OIL— in my practice to help reduce infective agents for antiviral, anti-fungal, antibacterial/immune promoting/anti-parasites/ anti-herpes/anti-HPylori.

WILD OREGANO OIL PILLS in my practice everyone takes to help with prophylaxis against bacterial, respiratory and fungal challenges and some take 1 per day or 1 pill 2- 3 times a week depending on how much they travel and if fungal challenges.

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