Why, Which & How to Use Supplements – Part 5

8. GLUTATHIONE – GLUTATHIONE after Melatonin is the next strongest and VERY PRIORITY important antioxidant in the entire body.  Very anti-aging and protective and helps with detoxification of so many chemicals and toxins in the body and liver. Glutathione has to be presented to the body in a way that the stomach does not render it useless when taken thus this product. Also VERY EXCELLENT to be used as a toner on the skin and on skin irritations/blemishes/abnormal pigment to promote resolution/lightening. Follow instructions on bottle for internal and as a toner once or twice a day on the face/neck/chest/any irritation/rashes/blemishes.

9.  THRYO CODE AND THYROID SUPPORT—at this point in the supplementation priority with what all you have been informed about taking from the products in numbers 1-8, and WHY, may be needed, the NEXT most important organ system to make sure is optimized for health and equally as well for beauty, symptom and cause resolution, brown spot development and slowing down and turning back the clock and making anything you do internally or externally work BEST— is the Thyroid which is equally with the adrenal glands a master gland in the body for everything to optimally function.  (Please see the instruction sheet for these which tells WHY and HOW TO).  The hormones from the thyroid gland are the gas for your body’s car.

If you are taking all or some of the above products for your symptoms and challenges and following instructions correctly for 6 weeks to 2 months and you continue to have the thyroid symptoms detailed on the low thyroid hormone sheets (found under CRITICAL INFORMATION) then I tell my patients to first start by taking THYRO CODE for 1 bottle (follow instruction sheet with the product) and if your thyroid symptoms have not disappeared then continue for 1 more bottle only and follow the instruction sheet for beginning Thyroid Support and WHY but you HAVE to be treating the adrenals first as detailed in # 4 and also #5 and ideally #6 and HEPATOGEST.  There is also a LOT of information on the website about thyroid imbalance and why.  I would DEFINITELY avoid gluten/wheat/cow dairy if my blood tests showed Hashimoto’s which is high Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies.

10. GALT FORTIFIER/GLUTAMINE/HYPO ZYMASE – IF you continue to suffer with symptoms of probable gut inflammation meaning gas, bloating, constipation/diarrhea, a lot of GUT noises/pain/irritability, rosacea, enlarged pores, blemishes, skin rashes/sensitivities/psoriasis/eczema DESPITE having followed the above priority list for 6 weeks to 2 months, and despite the high dose initially strong PROBIOTICS particularly-the correct amount as detailed in #8- then I recommend to my patients that they add in my experience, the maximum speed up gut repair and symptom resolution products in ADDITION, which begins with GALT FORTIFIER and GLUTAMINE. Please read farther for HYP OZYMASE which you may also need, IF and WHY.

FIRST–the VAST majority of your entire body’s immune system is concentrated along your gut so that tells you that nature realized that the gut was going to be the biggest challenge to HEALTH-so EAT RIGHT for your BLOOD type in my opinion and AVOID grains and wheat/gluten and sugars and any other food that you crave a lot as oriental medicine taught us for MANY years that we are usually allergic to what we crave– as much as humanly possible overall-follow my instructions all over the website about how to eat for health and beauty which is ALWAYS step ONE for optimizing health and beauty/slowing down and turning back the clock, preventing and reversing.  IF despite doing all of this, the symptoms persist then GALT FORTIFIER helps promote repair of the Peyer’s patches immune areas all along the small intestine which helps promote return to more normal nutrient absorption and lining of the gut repair and decrease in the whole body symptoms of inflamed Peyer’s patches.   This does NOT happen overnight as takes time to try to normalize the Peyer’s patches and inflamed gut because it didn’t occur overnight and won’t repair overnight as the gut takes a lot of abuse and we challenge gut health and inflammation continually as we cannot help but eat less than perfectly and some people are MUCH more sensitive, have many more problems very easily yet others can be very bad and seem not to suffer the consequences but it has been shown that everyone suffers the consequences just in less obvious ways.

IF you are experiencing SIGNFICANT negative, irritable gut, poor absorption of nutrients, pain, cramping, intolerance to eating, too frequent bowel movements, symptoms despite all the above or to help hasten symptom resolution then add at the same time GLUTAMINE and follow instructions on the side of the container as this synergistically helps more quickly calm/soothe the lining of the gut to help resolve symptoms and their cause more quickly along with GALT FORTIFIER.  You will generally have to take for 2-4 containers.

IF despite 1 month to 6 weeks of GALT FORTIFIER and GLUTAMINE, gas/bloating persist after eating and/or if you are experiencing acid indigestion after eating then you NEED to add HYPOZYMASE or which are digestive enzymes WITH Hydrochloric Acid. Between all of these products AND Nat Colon Clear and Probiotics SHOULD be providing resolution methodically, slowly but surely meaning YOU FEEL/KNOW that you are moving in a very positive direction with symptom resolution.  READ the instructions on the site about HOW and WHY to use HYPO ZYMASE and HOW to use/how much and the symptoms of too little and too much.

H. PYLORI is a bacteria that we eat that can take up residence in the stomach more easily if the hydrochloric acid is low in the stomach to allow it to survive.  Your pancreas makes digestive enzymes and as we age chronologically or depending on how UNhealthy we are/eat, so does its function lessen and if we lack digestive enzymes we poorly digest and thus absorb even the BEST oils, fats, protein, greens, anything we eat and the gut can become inflamed from undigested foods in it which inflames the entire body and ages us AND the pancreas can become inflamed and chronic inflammation of anything in the body is not good and has consequences generally so needs to be avoided as MUCH as scientifically and humanly possible.  You ARE WHAT YOU DIGEST and ABSORB therefore why HYPO ZYMASE.

11. METHYL B COMPLEX –we have learned more so recently that many people lack enzymes for methylation in chemical reactions in the body, methylation of waste products, toxins that if not normally occurring can result in the accumulation of inflammation/toxins and a chemical that should always be tested for in blood tests, certainly in my office and opinion– called Homocysteine, as it helps show HOW inflamed you are internally and particularly gives insight into if the cholesterol and lipids in the blood/body are being inflamed and helped to become more sticky and if the immune system is being depressed which is not good for cancer risk as well all of  which are NOT desirable. It is also reported in some patients that are found to poorly methylate that they feel much “better” when the methylation issues are addressed.  It has been found that giving methylated B vitamins-Methylated is the correct chemical form of folate to give the body instead of folic acid can be helpful with methylation defects and in general are the preferred chemical forms of these vitamins for the body.  B vitamins are known to be helpful for hair, skin, nails and in the brain to help the body manufacture SamE which is a happiness chemical and quite important to replace if you are on Birth Control Pills and for helping energy and much more. REMEMBER THE CORRECT DOSE AND CHEMICAL FORM AND RATIO ONE TO THE OTHER OF SUPPLEMENTS JUST AS THE CORRECT DOSE OF PHARMACEUTICALS.  I am also a fan FOR EVERYONE TO TAKE a stress dose of multi-B vitamins to take at least 3 days a week.  B vitamins are often associated with perceptible increases in energy to an extent in some people but beware that ideally not containing CYANOcobalamin and not Folic acid rather the above preferred chemical forms it has recently been found. To discover if you have methylation challenges then ask your doctor to do a HOMOCYSTEINE blood level on you with blood work, and REMEMBER to get a Vitamin D3 blood level as well-(see the blood tests I recommend document and why on CRITICAL INFORMATION).  See the instruction sheet document on why and how METHYL B COMPLEX.

12. GREEN LIGHT/ORGANIC SULFUR/BIO A CIRCUMIN/INFLAMMA LIFE FORCE/R-LIPOIC ACID/ RESVERATROL/COQ10/GAMMA E–at this point I am moving in this grouping into maximal strength antioxidants and an EXCELLENT MULTIVITAMIN–  that the body uses to perform multiple positive preventive and symptom ameliorating functions we have learned and support the entire body for prevention and providing daily nutrients often lacking in normal diets, that in the IDEAL situation of taking a handful of products the body is very happy to have replenished and supplied, these are included.  WHY take these-see the instruction sheets included with each product as extensively addresses the why but here is the short discussion.

ORGANIC SULFUR–SEE instructions on the site (CANNOT MIX WITH ANY supplements so MUST TAKE 30 minutes away from all other supplements so I recommend first AM or any time of day when not taking supplements in hot water and a slice of fresh lemon, and an herbal tea bag for taste if you prefer) about WHY and HOW TO–(powder).  Every cell EVERYWHERE in our bodies is constructed of or contains sulfur which is completely different than the drug Sulfa so I recommend EVERYONE take this to help with prevention and restoration.  I recommend this when patients have JOINT ISSUES/PAINS INCLUDING IN THE MUSCLES/INJURIES/NEED MORE HAIR/BETTER SKIN AND NAILS/WHEN HEAVY METAL/TOXINS/and everyone to take at least 3 containers a year for overall health but ideally take at least 2-3 times a week for greater rejuvenation/prevention/restoration. Put in hot water with fresh lemon and an herb tea bag or green tea as it is a bit bitter some complain taken plain, but once you start taking when you stop you miss it and the relief and improvements it provides.

BIO CIRCUMIN A/INFLAMMA LIFE FORCE–the mounting benefits attributed to Tumeric (CIRCUMIN) AND anti-inflammatories are resulting in increasingly everyone adding into their regimens for it is said its help in relieving pain, inflammation/injuries/another tool in helping to ameliorate cancer and cardiovascular risks/anti-aging/ joint health and MUCH more. Circumin has to be in particular chemical forms and strengths to be most absorbed so you get what you pay for and trust in.  INFLAMMALIFE FORCE has CIRCUMIN combined with anti-inflammatories and SERRAPEPTASES to help with joint problems, skin inflammation such as rashes of acne, eczema, psoriasis, scarring and buildup in blood vessels and tissues internally and externally.  See instruction sheets for use and follow instructions on the bottle as well. I tell patients for helping with prevention and antiaging to start with 2 pills per day of BioCircumin and Tumeric with Bromelain and Inflamma Life Force but if you have any symptoms that need help then Tumeric with Bromelain you can take 2-3 TWICE a day and the same for InflammaLife Force

R LIPOIC ACID–STRONG antioxidant for helping in anti-aging, anti-brown spots, anti-symptoms of rosacea, sensitive skin and blemishes, helps optimize liver function and enzymes and helps repair them in cases of liver inflammations and overdoses and medications which may inflame and challenge the liver, helps decrease/maintain blood sugar levels.

RESVERATROL–see instruction sheet for more info–STRONG antioxidant that there can help with energy as well and is encouraged to help prevent and protect with heart and blood vessel issues in people who have lipid and cholesterol challenges.  MUST be all TRANS chemical form to be useful and in the correct dosage

COQ10–much on the market and little that is truly therapeutic.  STRONG antioxidant that is REQUIRED in healthy, muscle contractions of every muscle of the body-remembering that the HEART IS A MUSCLE and CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE is MUSCLE FAILURE/WEAKNESS. Helps with- energy, anti-aging, preventive for brain, skin and helps with cancer prevention and synergistic with B Vitamins and all parts of the body as are all antioxidants and helps joint/muscle pain symptoms WHEN STATIN DRUGS/RED YEAST RICE are also REQUIRED.  I recommend also with Red Yeast Rice as well.  Helps healthy mitochondria which are in every cell and are the power plants of each cell so helps with ENERGY.  Physica CoQ10 you take 1 dropperfull for each 100 mg of other CoQ10 but I recommend 3-4 dropperful per day anytime.

GAMMA E–another essential strong antioxidant/anti-inflammatory as remember many of these antioxidants are required to work WITH each other together in essential chemical reactions in the body. It has been found that the body produces MANY CHEMICAL FORMS of Vitamin E and taking the CORRECT CHEMICAL FORMS are ESSENTIAL to help the body maintain the CORRECT RATIO OF THE CHEMICAL FORMS it needs and often wants. Studies you have seen saying Vitamin E was bad were done with the INCORRECT chemical form it is said. Helps in anti-aging, preventive, and restoring for skin and entire body. Take 1 pill per day ideally anytime at least 6 days per week.

13. LYMPH 1/2/3 — with all the products prior to this I have been “tuning up” and empowering/providing nutrition/repairing for your entire body trying to promote healthier, more youthful, rejuvenating functioning down to the cellular level, which is where the power plants of the body are and trying to promote reversal, prevention, restoration, slowing down and turning back the clock while ameliorating symptoms because after all, the bottom line is you feeling, sleeping, thinking AND looking better with good energy.  I have been promoting expelling, ridding inevitable accumulated toxins, chemicals, etc. from the body via helping to improve liver, gall bladder, gut, skin, lung, kidney functioning which also helps promote expelling toxins and inflammation.   .

With the products in #13 I am attempting to now help optimize lymphatic-and ultimately KIDNEY drainage/function/health.   The LYMPHATIC ORGAN SYSTEM OF THE BODY is an entire, EVERY where in the body system that functions to help take out the body’s garbage in another VERY IMPERATIVE way.  The problem with the lymphatic system and WHY it NEEDS to be addressed with these Physica remedies is the lymphatic system is a passive system that requires the muscles to be contracting to help the lymph move out of the body and empty into the blood AND it requires good hydration and the tiny “pipes” of the system can become scarred shut or “road closed permanently” by injuries to the various parts of the body which further blocks movement of the lymph thus “garbage” out of the cells, extracellular space and entire body.  If your legs have ever swollen while sitting, if you have ever had an enlarged lymph node then that is poor lymph drainage out of the body thus the “garbage” is not well exiting the tissues to leave the body so they sit and swell.  If you are dehydrated, not exercising, that can exacerbate poor lymphatic flow as can constipation.

Inflammation is a cause of disease and aging and lymphatic drainage helps rid inflammation as does breathing and having bowel movements and urinating but one organ system generally cannot fully compensate if the other is poorly or not functioning so toxins and inflammation can accumulate.  We want to try to optimize lymphatic flow FIRST by prevention then by staying well hydrated as defined above and on the website. We want to exercise and sweat as that helps facilitate lymphatic drainage and the remedies further facilitate as we want to include and help optimize lymphatic drainage of deep organ systems, which when lesser functioning, participate in accumulating toxins and inflammation into for instance the spleen and blood so very important to further assist liver, kidney, gallbladder, extracellular space never mind the interior of the cells of the entire body lymphatic drainage.  If lymphatic drainage is not optimized, you can experience symptoms of swelling of the arms, legs, feet, abdomen, face, skin sensitivities, redness, increased skin oil production and blemishes, symptoms of rosacea, enlarged pores, chronic skin rashes such as psoriasis, eczema and more and, constipation, difficulty urinating, feeling short of breath for instance.

I recommend STARTING along with – any and all of #1-12—LYMPH 2 for one bottle-3 dropperful under your tongue, swish in mouth for 1 minute then swallow TWICE a day, AM and PM anytime. Then change to LYMPH 1 for 1 bottle same dose; then LYMPH 3 for 1 bottle same dose, then back to LYMPH 2 for another bottle then LYMPH 3 for another bottle; then just stay on ORGANIC SULFUR.

14. ESTROGEN SUPPORT–VERY IMPORTANT for MEN AND WOMEN–as we age, estradiol which exists in both sexes in different amounts, more in women obviously but also in men and estradiol often can abnormally accumulate in men as well as women but in men can result in symptoms of enlarging prostate (nighttime urination), which is a risk factor for prostate cancer and results in enlarging breast tissue in men and in women.   Too high levels of estradiol may contribute to increasing risks of for instance, breast, ovarian, uterine cancer and weight challenges and heavy bleeding perimenopausally,.  .

Today’s world of chemicals–in packaging that contains BisPhenol for instance, groundwater contamination with estrogen mimicking chemicals, eating animal protein that the animals were fed feeds or chemicals that increase estrogen- in them to fatten them faster for market and sale, in you, in the soil and water and much more,  is said to expose everyone and thing to chemicals that mimic estrogen (estradiol) when deposited in the body may have negative consequences for example, breast development in men and younger people, infertility in animals and people, weight struggles, cancer struggles  .  ALSO AS WE AGE, estradiol is metabolized in the body more so to Estrone, which is said to potentially increase cancer risk, than to Estriol which is believed to do the opposite.  Men with enlarging prostates are more likely to experience the symptom of getting up in the night to urinate, erection problems, difficulty beginning to urinate, urgency and frequency to urinate and disrupting sleep.

I recommend ESTROGEN SUPPORT be taken 2 pills at LEAST once a day anytime but if you have symptoms of any of the above mentioned in this section-MEN and WOMEN– then ideally 2 pills twice a day anytime at least 5 days a week but ideally 6 days a week because it helps to decrease the accumulation of symptom exacerbating estrogens in men and women. SEE INSTRUCTION SHEET ON THE WEBSITE. Also eat lots of Broccoli and darker green vegetables which help and depending on your blood type, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbages (red is better than green) which is the food equivalent of ESTROGEN SUPPORT but the pills are CONCENTRATED forms.

I also recommend IODIZYME(as above) to synergistically work WITH ESTROGEN SUPPORT to help decrease the “bad” estrogens which can accumulate–to promote prevention.  I personally believe if you are over age 38 everyone should take and if you are obese you should take at any age as your estrogens are perhaps higher which contribute to weight struggles.

15. MELATONIN- Melatonin is the strongest antioxidant in the body thus helping against anti-aging, anti-brown spots on the skin, anti-symptoms of rosacea and all that antioxidants/anti-inflammatories participate in helping to treat and prevent in men and women.   Healthy Melatonin levels over the years have been the subject of helping to prevent breast cancer-see the instruction/information sheet on the website on how to take Melatonin.  It also helps promote better sleep in men and in women. Theoretically people less than age 35 should have healthy levels that their bodies produce in the Pineal gland, but if you have had head injuries, if you do not dream or have chronic illnesses/stresses then your body’s production may be less than optimal. Too much melatonin and generally you have vivid dreams and can be a bit groggy temporarily in the AM.  The instructions for use are on the website. Melatonin helps to prevent jet lag when traveling when you would take your usual dose the first 3 nights on arriving to your new destination then back on your usual schedule of use until you return then again take the first 3 nights then you return to your usual dose if not usually taking nightly.


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