Why, Which & How to Use Supplements – Part 4

HERE is what I ENERGETICALLY recommend you to do and IN THE PRIORITY AND PROGRESSION of doing, incorporating and WHY:

1. VITAMIN D3/K2 ideally containing the correct Vitamins K as you need both overall—to help cancer risk, immunity, vascular plaque and cholesterol risk and help osteoporosis reduction, thyroid etc. YOU NEED TO TAKE and alternate between the two if you don’t want to take spray all the time!!!  ALSO Vitamin D3/K2 healthy levels are quite helpful FOR MENOPAUSE SYMPTOMS.  I find that the pharmaceutical form in my practice does not seem to raise the Vitamin D levels to where I prefer for helping to prevent so I use this form instead and also because of the Vitamin K for bones and plaque as above.

2. OMEGA 3 and 7 fish oils—OMEGA GOLD— helps thyroid, prostate, brain, obesity and chronic hunger, weight struggles.  joints, skin, HELPS MENOPAUSE SYMPTOMS, ,all the sequelae of inflammation issues and to help ELEVATE HDL, REDUCE CHOLESTEROL, metabolic syndrome and blood sugar issues, triglycerides, LDL, VLDL and MUCH more—see OMEGA GOLD sheet.  You can also take the liquid Omega 3 fish oil-I recommend Nordic Naturals/Carlson’s if so. TAKE Omega 3 fish oils AND  get Omega 7’s from food unless contraindicated for some medical reason your physician informs-see Omega Gold Sheet and the website. You should also get Omega 6’s from whole ground flax meal or Borage or Evening Primrose but FLAX MEAL best.  I FIND that the pharmaceutical form of fish oil in my practice does not seem to work as well for the reasons I prescribe it so I use this preferentially

3.  PROBIOTICS – ORTHO BIOTIC— for helping immunity, gut and total body health, prevention, craving sweets, candida and abnormal intestinal organism overgrowths, with antibiotic usage either by mouth or intravenously, obesity struggles, helping with gut and everywhere in the body infections, inflammation. See the instructions sheets for more WHY but takes time for them to work so start early and take consistently for helping prevent and repair.  When you begin DOUBLE the dose on the bottle for 2-3 months, then refer to the dose on the sheets/bottle.

4. LICRO INTRINSIC/ADRENAL LF—Adrenal glands ,may VERY likely become DEPLETED in today’s toxic and stressful, nonstop world-from BIRTH—(because pregnant Mothers’ adrenals are often so depleted which negatively impacts baby’s adrenal glands) or our adrenal glands from early in life become INFLAMED with  gut inflammation from what we wrongly eat, lack of hydrochloric acid digestive and pancreatic enzymes and many more reasons with symptoms of inflammation of generally back and chest acne and facial acne as well. Exhaustion in the AM and mid afternoon, poor sleep as well as energy increasing in the later day and evening so disrupted sleep, poor ability to manage stress, poor brainpower, chronic pain, hair loss, low thyroid now in men as well as women- and the children of women whose thyroids were low when they were pregnant are all symptoms of low adrenal function (see Critical information hormone deficiency symptoms) and MANY more symptoms—see the explanation/instruction sheets.  START repairing by taking LICRO INTRINSIC from the start as well for two-three bottles of each. If you can take more and need more symptom relief after one month on these, add ADRENAL LF to help re invigorate adrenal glands.

Ask your health practitioner after you have been on at least 1 bottle of Licro and Adrenal LF to have a 24 hour saliva test for Cortisol and DHEA to see if your adrenals are depleted or inflamed.  With inflamed adrenals you often experience back/chest acne/facial acne/blackheads (but remember to see the chart in Critical Information on the website about which part of the body is more likely inflamed contributing to the symptoms, depending on where your acne primarily is located on your face according to Oriental medicine chart).   I find in my practice the Oriental Medicine chart about what is the area involved and resulting in blemishes is virtually always correct then that cause has to be addressed as well as also the CAUSE of adrenal inflammation. Neck acne I find in my practice is usually due to low hydrochloric acid in the stomach and I recommend to my patients to then use  Physica HYPOZYMASE. I tell my patients that Licro Intrinsic helps replenish the adrenals and ADRENAL LF helps restore adrenal factory settings-reset, reboot, balance-the adrenal glands.  See the instruction sheet for ADRENAL LF.

NOTE—ANY LIQUID remedy including liquid Solray D with the name INTRINSIC in its title is an intrinsic ethno-botanical and can ONLY be taken in the mouth together with another INTRINSIC but NOT WITH ANYTHING ELSE.  All the other remedies can be taken together in the mouth (or are put in water as instructions here indicate) and I recommend in my practice that if you are using several of them to mix no more than 3 remedies in the mouth together at one time due to volume.  With all of them you swish in your mouth for 1 minute then swallow then swish around some water in your mouth for a moment then you can take another group if you are taking a number at one time and does not matter with empty stomach or not or time of day if NOT indicated in the instructions I have made.

ADRENAL GLANDS in MY experience and I learned this from MUCH WISER doctors than I—are in many ways a master gland in the body and for young women whose periods stop, especially coming off Birth Control Pills are usually essential to be optimized first then optimize the thyroid gland if your thyroid seems low (see symptom sheets for hypothyroidism on the website Critical Information).  ALWAYS FIRST address the adrenals for EVERYTHING in my practice experience otherwise if the thyroid or most anything is treated without optimizing the adrenals you don’t feel well. Hair loss- TREAT the ADRENALS FIRST in my practice experience. I personally find that most people need adrenal treatment from increasingly young ages when they demonstrate the clear symptomatology of low adrenal function (see the symptoms of low adrenal function on the website-CRITICAL INFORMATION).   If you do NOT have ANY of the symptoms of low adrenal function you believe, then, NOTE if you DO have the symptoms once brought to your attention but have ignored or thought that was normal aging. Also if you crave salt it is often low adrenal function for starters AND if your blood sugar is higher or when you have inflamed adrenal function-all in my practice experience.

5. IODIZYME to help the thyroid and immune, energy, brainpower, hair, being cold, hormones, radiation-see  IODIZYME sheet. I see from doing Iodine blood tests-especially in patients who live in the goiter belt regions of the US (Google this) and the world-that most EVERYONE needs to take Iodine but especially if you have symptoms of low thyroid (see critical information section of the website for these). Hair loss if you are already utilizing the adrenal supplementation particularly, low immune, surrounded by all the radiation we encounter from all our devices and lighting and pollution, electromagnetic energy including fluorescent lights, being more cold than seems normal, constipation, weight struggles and much more benefit from Iodine.

6. TRI-CHROMIUM/ZINC/MAGNESIUM 125—these are minerals that support MANY positive and ESSENTIAL actions/functions in   the cells of the body as cofactors to help in  prevention and restoration, rejuvenation, energy, hydration,  healthy cell function, skin issues, immune, lowering blood sugar, obesity and much more.

Tri Chromium– is an essential mineral which we mostly lack in today’s world because we don’t obtain enough that we need in today’s world, from even healthy food, therefore to help balance blood sugar and insulin for both low and high blood sugar and help REDUCE TRIGLYCERIDES and CHOLESTEROLS, weight struggles and for some increased energy and to help reduce the aging and risk of glycation from high blood sugar or sugar spikes after eating (you ARE what you eat AND DIGEST) and if your adrenals are unbalanced your blood sugar is usually higher as well.  If you have any of these symptoms then start with 2 pills per day-the max dose, 6 days a week (I always tell patients to take 1 day off per week of supplementation).if you are older than 15 years, otherwise you take 1 pill per day if older than 12 years, or if younger and you have blood sugar or weight struggles take 1 every OTHER day.  You can also (if an adult and just for prevention) take 1 pill 5 days per week and 2 pills on days if you are having wine (wine and alcohol metabolize to sugar then fat so remember that you are drinking your dessert so don’t eat dessert as well) or eating poorly/eating wheat/gluten/grains/carbs or stressed with higher blood sugar. When you have blood work done you should ask your health practitioner to do a FASTING blood sugar AND a Hgb A1C blood test to see if your blood sugar runs chronically high and if despite a  normal FASTING blood sugar, then you know you POORLY handle sugar/carbs/grains/alcohol and you probably also need pancreatic digestive enzymes— Physica Hypo Zymase when you eat. This can all  help your struggling and depleted pancreas which is VERY common in today’s world from too much sugar and carbs and may increase your risk of serious pancreatic issues over time  YOU CAN WAIT TO START TRI-CHROMIUM if you just cannot take many pills– unless you have sugar problems high or low or have metabolic syndrome, until later when you have arrived at icing the supplementation you take cake, but as we age past 40 ALL of us have higher blood sugar because our bodies/pancreas/adrenals/thryoid are not working so well and we become resistant to insulin and that ages us even faster/more. So after 40 I WOULD take, if you CAN for prevention support AND if you are REALLY stressed at any age AND past 35 years old IDEALLY I would take at least 1 per day 6 days per week.

Zinc—helps with immune function and to help protect prostates from enlarging and is a mineral.  I have in my practice, men over 21 years, even with no prostate symptoms take 1- 50 mg pill twice to three times per week and men over 40 take 1 every OTHER day and men with prostate symptoms (nighttime urination, problem initiating urination, prostate irritation, PSA above 1.0, symptoms of high estradiol in men (breast enlargement, infertility) take 50 mg, 6 days per week.  For women, I tell to take 1 pill Monday, Wednesday and Friday as an IMPORTANT mineral for everyone and we just don’t get enough in food in today’s world of too many infections and we need more.

If you need to choose or too many pills for you then wait on Zinc and follow below priority list then add Zinc when you can take more, later down the line for icing the cake on supplementation but if you have the challenges I have mentioned in this section, you need to add now

MAGNESIUM 125 —an ESSENTIAL mineral co-factor in most body chemical and energy production reactions in the body and is beneficial if muscle cramping along with potassium (I find in my practice that low magnesium with cramping is usually associated with low adrenal function). Beneficial against constipation (too much magnesium contributes to loose stools) and against high blood pressure and wheezing in the lungs and helps mood calming and relaxation so I recommend taking at least 2 per day but can take 2 twice a day (second dose at bedtime) or more if no loose stools and if needed to participate in helping to lower blood pressure and if symptoms of lung wheezing.

7. NAT COLON CLEAR— first to help support  BASIC health- you HAVE to have a bowel movement at LEAST once a day without THINKING about it otherwise that is a CLEAR symptom that SOMETHING is VERY WRONG with your gut (inflamed, infected for instances), possibly your thyroid is low thus probably your adrenal glands low as well, likely not drinking enough water, eating enough healthy fats as well, which are ESSENTIAL for the body to work well, such as fish, flax (meal) and olive oils, not exercising, not eating enough fiber meaning FIRST GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES IDEALLY-the more raw that is appropriate the better and the darker the green the better.

Certainly it HELPS to get up in the AM and drink hot water or better GREEN TEA with fresh lemon slice (to help your liver and gallbladder and  help prevent inflammation and MUCH more) to see if your gut peristalsis (movement) begins.  IF YOU ARE NOT HAVING A BOWEL MOVEMENT DAILY then the toxins and degradation products of what you eat are RECIRCULATING all throughout your skin and body, your gut and body are getting more inflamed and THAT IS NOT GOOD NOR HEALTHY( and you usually have rosacea, red skin, maybe rashes, enlarged pores, brown spots increasing, often acne.  .See the instruction sheet on WHY I choose NAT COLON CLEAR over ALL other things on the market because it is in my practice what I find to be the BEST tool for the job, helps with more than one challenge with one tool and it is IMPERATIVE to clean out all adhering to your colon and intestines (think parasites as well which we all acquire) completely for gut and total body health.  IF your gut is not healthy and malfunctioning-you experience gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, acid indigestion, your food sits in your stomach too long and a little food feels like you ate a huge amount and feels that it won’t digest-those are ALL SYMPTOMS that your body is asking for digestive enzyme and gut help.

I first add Nat Colon Clear for all these symptoms-just 1 pill once a day but you have to drink WATER with any sort of fiber otherwise it hardens your stool—to start helping get toxins out of the body-1 pill twice a day if 1 per day does not work after 1 week, especially along with drinking 2 liters of water per day, green tea, eating right for your blood type, exercising and healthy OILS again IMPERATIVE, and to help with constipation. Start with 1 pill every third day if you have inflamed colons and increase every 2-3 weeks as tolerated (meaning with only positive not more negative symptoms as sometimes your gut is too inflamed and you have to first give all the products in the numbers before this one and GALT FORTIFIER and GLUTAMINE 1-2 months before you can add or increase up to 1 pill daily).

I give this product to all my patients at least twice a year for 2 bottles to just help rid parasites we accumulate from eating, help rid accumulations along the gut wall.  IF you have symptoms described above begin and use for 3 bottles then stop and see if you can normally function with a BM at LEAST daily but IDEALLY TWICE A DAY without thinking and that tells you internally health IS improving.  IF you are A blood type-your gut also loves Whole LEAF Aloe Juice-2 ounces per day which is also good for your skin and helps with constipation, but other blood types-the gut may not like as A blood type does, but can use as a toner on the skin or to help resolve skin rashes. AND if you have a GI food related issue, whole leaf aloe juice helps every blood type resolve this more quickly-fine to use for that temporarily.  IF your gut health is not improved with this above then you NEED to add GALT FORTIFIER and GLUTAMINE after 1 bottle of Nat Colon Clear and continue Nat Colon Clear as well until you are having a DAILY BM without thinking but low thyroid can be a cause of no BM’s as well if no resolution with all of this but by using Nat Colon Clear it helps your gut and whole body health improve, We should all take to improve the inevitable gut inflammation that occurs in today’s world at least 1 bottle of  Galt Fortifier and GLUTAMINE twice a year.


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