Why, Which & How to Use Supplements – Part 3

SUPPLEMENTS AND EVERY INTERNAL REMEDY, their raw material sourcing, correct manufacture and FORMULATION, HAS TO BE CLOSELY MONITORED IN TODAY’S WORLD to be in the scientifically correct chemical form, concentration (supplements are like medications in that they have to be delivered in the correct dose as well otherwise at best, nothing happens, at worse, negative effects) AND ratio-one ingredient to another. They have to be able to be absorbed from the mouth and gut into the blood then into the tissues, extracellular space and often the hardest part- INTO THE CELLS which is the factory where the correct raw materials are required and in the nucleus of the cells, utilized positively and NOT cause negative side effects and be free of contaminants.  THOSE reasons are ALL WHY I VERY CAREFULLY choose and utilize and change on occasion, brands that I do and do NOT utilize and recommend, combined with what works BEST clinically in medical experience of mine and many others whom I respect and KNOW and from the patients’ feedback and response. THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING!

I also ALWAYS consider what is the best use of time and money, and believe it or not, the least number of pills and remedies…that is another subject… I have now seen, learned, experienced VIVIDLY and REPETITIVELY in my practice of patients from around the globe that scientifically correct, enlightened and excellent SUPPLEMENTATION IS NOT NEARLY ENOUGH in today’s world to defend, sustain, replenish, prevent and certainly not to detoxify, reverse and try to provide quality longevity. I am NONSTOP searching for and researching, better health and beauty insurance solutions, protocols and products for us all as I SAW that I HAD TO, in order to achieve MY goals for us all of optimal health, reversal and prevention as much as possible, SO I added the PHYSICA ENERGETICS solutions and remedies as the best adjunctive tools for the job that provided me and my patients CONSISTENTLY and RELIABLY MUCH more symptom and compromise resolution, more HEALTH and beauty synergistically, SIGNIFICANTLY PERCEPTIBLY AND more expeditiously per what I SAW and the patients EXPERIENCED and REPORTED-more protection I deduced, more prevention and certainly it seems helped with more reversal than I have EVER experienced in my time in medicine.

I also heard about Physica products EMPHATICALLY from some of the MOST successful practitioners at resolving or SIGNIFICANTLY HELPING patients that I have seen, heard of or read about, who had been using these solutions over ALL others they had and continue to try OBJECTIVELY and CONSISTENTLY for YEARS.  Both myself and my patients, many of whom have seen a LOT of practitioners of EVERY SORT over the years concur. Like everything in medicine – NO ONE HAS A MAGIC IMMEDIATE CURE WAND—the body does NOT WORK LIKE THAT. It takes TIME to achieve the goal, to even achieve symptom resolution for starters, because it has taken years to get to the point where you realize you need help/solutions or better solutions and the CAUSE of the problem is ALWAYS multilayered,  meaning in the ENTIRE body and it takes time, and a varying amount of time in everyone, for the body to respond to correct treatment, then have time to construct reversal, restoration, and the older you are the greater the challenge-so START YOUNG WITH PREVENTING, BECAUSE an ounce of prevention PREVENTS A LOT of trouble, cost, scarring, pain and suffering. PUT your mind, energy, willpower, self-discipline, time, monies and effort to do what it takes as it is a LOT better than the alternative in my and many others experience. We all understand in medicine that patients seek immediate resolution of whatever is their focus, but it just does not exist.

NO ONE HAS THE MAGIC CURE WAND because the body does NOT work like that. THERE IS A METHOD, a protocol, a priority, a correct dosage, an ACTION PLAN of what works and WHY, WHY this vs that, BEST tools for the job, BEST use of time and monies and TRUST, BEST visible and perceptible results, based on experience and OVERVIEW, new and LONG proven science and research WORLDWIDE– and a lot of study and thought and conferring/studying with those MUCH smarter and experienced and thoughtful than I will ever be. WHICH brings me to the OFTEN addressed subject of taking a lot of pills, sprays, powders – SOLUTIONS.

HERE ARE THE FACTS as I and many seem to know them and just DEAL with them or ACCEPT the consequences. You do what you CAN that is SCIENTIFICALLY NOT MARKETING SCIENCE CORRECT and ANYTHING you do is MUCH better than doing nothing at all. I am going to prioritize below the same as what I have learned and tell my patients to do and what I DO.  I am going to give you the BEST protocols in MY experience, practice and knowledge and ongoing study of MANY, and I am VERY SENSITIVE to trying HARD to give people as LITTLE as POSSIBLE for money, time and minimizing complaints reasons. I UNDERSTAND– as I do the SAME things everyone else is told to do and I suffer from the same human failings and SYMPTOMS as we all do and I burn the candle at EVERY end by working too hard so I also have learned what seems successful so far for protecting against the consequences of working too much and stress and providing the level of functioning many seem to seek. I  KNOW and have seen for years in medicine, the suffering that comes from sickness and debilitation and compromise, and I want us ALL to be AS HAPPY AND HEALTHY AND BEAUTIFUL, and HAVE AS MUCH QUALITY LONGEVITY as ANYONE, anywhere knows how to provide, in physiologically correct science as we know the facts today.


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