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Morpheus & Accutite Technologies

Introducing Morpheus!

I am excited and delighted to announce our NEWEST, INNOVATIVE Technology –

the MOST Effective technology on the market today, to LIFT, TIGHTEN, and CONTOUR Skin Laxity on the Face and Body and helps RID FAT -ONLY  if and where NEEDED! 

This is the FUTURE of the NON-Surgical Face and Body Lift!

 This is the most powerful SYNERGISTIC therapy with CO2, Threads, Forma, Peels, Filler, Botox, Microcurrent and Facials for BEST RESULTS when technology is the best tool needed for YOUR job

In one powerful treatment, Morpheus radio-frequency (RF) energy penetrates as DEEPLY as technologically possible into the skin to help OPTIMALLY REMODEL subdermal/subcutaneous fat for even significant cellulite and laxity, while maximally stimulating stem cells for collagen production, dermal and subdermal layers of the face, neck, and body to now be able to also BEST CONTOUR all areas.

Accutite and Morpheus

There is now a SECOND spectacular new synergistic technology we have been using and proving, which is called Accutite, used with Morpheus, or Accutite can be used stand-alone depending on your laxities or fat collections that occur from genetics, in all different parts of the body, such as under the chin, knees, lateral breasts, small fat accumulation areas, lateral jaw and neck that I am using in selected patients, where a new and very tiny-the size of a Botox needle – is placed under the skin in the lax or fat accumulation areas and it delivers radio frequency energy and tightens even more so, and Morpheus is generally done on the surface of the skin, and provides better results and tightening in many cases it has been shown. There may or may not be downtime and you are numbed under and on the surface of the skin before doing, and we give you sedation by mouth which is also why I will have a nurse assisting me. This is completely different than the technology BodyTite or FaceTite, which you may have heard of, as the catheter is infinitely smaller and better.

There may or may not be downtime and you are numbed under and on the surface of the skin before doing, and we give you sedation by mouth which is also why I will have a nurse assisting me. This is completely different than the technology BodyTite or FaceTite, which you may have heard of, as the catheter is infinitely smaller and better.

Excellent for ALL Skin Types, Colors/Pigments, Genders. With Morpheus we can dial the depth of Treatment needed for BEST visible results for YOUR skin over the Entire body

WHY choose Accutite and Morpheus?

Because Morpheus WHEN NEEDED for YOUR body challenges, uniquely provides the MOST RESULTS-PROVEN, NON-surgical entire FACE AND BODY LIFT Technology for neck, face, eyelids, brow, legs, arms, buttocks, hips, abdomen and back while RESHAPING and CONTOURING when and if needed.

 It is uniquely fast and downtime and discomfort are as minimized as scientifically possible. We normally only need to use topical numbing.   

You will also see a SIGNIFICANT improvement in the following skin and body challenges: 

  •    Active acne and acne scarring
  •    Brown/Age Spots on face, chest and hands
  •    Fine lines and wrinkles
  •    Crepiness
  •    Stretch marks
  •    Surgical scars
  •    Uneven skin tone and laxity
  •    Fat reduction if needed on knees, legs, arms, hips and abdomen

REMEMBER we always recommend and choose the therapy or therapies that provides BEST, most and FASTEST visible results with the least number of treatments and least financial outlay so we may recommend other tools first or instead, but now there is blessedly an improved technology that gives us unique and MAXIMAL strength options to BESPOKE treat OPTIMALLY for YOUR needs.

Show me …Don’t tell me!

The BEFORE AND AFTER images (and in patients who are NOT using skin products nor much else and NOT addressing themselves INTERNALLY otherwise they should have BETTER results) below demonstrate SIGNIFICANT Tightening, Lifting, Smoothing, Diminished Pigmentation, and Fat Reduction/Contouring of the entire Face and Body.

 Below – Smile and Marionette Lines Diminished, Elevation of the Brow, Tightening of the Cheek, REMARKABLE Firming and Smoothing of Crepey Skin-they had various Morpheus energies chosen and in some, only portions of the areas pictured treated.

Morpheus Technology RESULTS can last several years if you diligently follow your internal Action Plan Treatments and using your Skin Therapy Products, PEELS and skin care as instructed.



 ALL Lasers and Treatments new to market I properly evaluate and compare the results. Many of these lasers are NOT the best science, NOT the best tool for the job and definitely NOT the best use of your time and money.  

Everything that I use, recommend and do NOT use is for a reason – what works best, fastest, most economically, is the BEST use of time AND monies, minimizes down time, is doable, and importantly  – achieves your goals and does not betray your hopes and dreams.  

I practice Medicine and Science – not Commerce!  



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