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MEDiTHREADS from Switzerland!

UNIQUE, HEALTHY, NATURAL thread therapy NOT previously available, AS OPTIMAL as it gets Face, Neck, Body LIFTING, TIGHTENING where other prevention and reversal solutions are not MAXIMAL visible results enough!


SCULPTING, REJUVENATING, VOLUMIZING, LIFTING jowls, necks, cheeks, brows, lines, laxity of the entire face and falling body areas, when other comprehensive laser therapies require BETTER visible results strategically, using nature’s skin tension lifting lines for results comparable to natural result surgical face and body lifts, but VOLUMIZING as when you were younger!


The VISIBLE results from the biostimulation, by for the first time 100% bioabsorbable MEDiTHREAD Treatments are immediate lifting, then increased skin and body collagen, elastin and hyaluronic due to endogenous stem cells stimulation lasting up to 18+ months as a result of firming, toning, restored circulation and hydration of the skin re- sulting in progressively diminishing, then filled in and lifted, wrinkles and lines.

You will see IMMEDIATE improvement of lifting in the VISIBLE appearance of the skin. The production of natural skin components will continue up to 6 months and by diligently keeping on your Action Plan, the effects last even longer!

I would never use threads previously, as NOT the QUALITY of construction of the thread, AND PREVIOUSLY were NOT 100% bioabsorbable and biostimulating as these are, which is IMPERATIVE for no downside, JUST as with fillers. THESE threads so biostimulate and bioregenerate that the VISIBLE results are UNPRECEDENTED, and they are NEED- ED in many patients I KNEW, despite STRONGEST lasers and injectables, for MORE substantially solving lifting of the neck, jowls, sides of the mouth, jawline, parts of the brow, knees, inner thighs upper abdomen, parts of  the buttocks.

They help re-volumize hands and faces and necks and everywhere, if other therapies are not more comprehensive, easier, faster and more economical. THESE threads add a tool to the therapeutic toolbox that WAS sorely missing and needed, as THESE threads are ENTIRELY different and SAFE and assure NATURAL NEEDED visible results.

As with any injectables, there is the risk of bruising, and you must be off all that thins your blood 2 weeks prior to injecting, ideally to further help prevent. There are certain post LIFTING thread instructions which we will email and discuss with you.


PLEASE SEE THE PHOTOS BELOW from the Italian Plastic Surgeon who helped develop by testing THESE threads with the Swiss, and who has done more threads, longer than anyone in the world, and with whom I worked.

These patients in the photos (below) had ONLY SOME threads in isolated areas of the face, where they wanted improved, ONE time and NOTHING ELSE. Some were longtime smokers, so there skin was even more challenged.

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