Why & Which Laser Treatments
Why, When and Which Laser Treatments?
What laser works best and why; why this one vs. that; best use of time and money and what scientifically and physiologically brings what is needed and is missing-for you to achieve BEST results, slow down and turn back the clock and provide BEST solutions.
Which technology truly works well and better, is doable, with equivalent or less downtime, compared to the plethora of existing choices and the current gold standards.
I continually evaluate all new lasers and technology that come to the market worldwide for my patients so I can provide BEST solutions, use of time and money and what is TRULY NEEDED and WORKS to achieve goals and desires.
In order to maximally rejuvenate and restore the skin, the deeper areas and layers, the deeper dermis and subcutaneous areas, must be equally rejuvenated and restored otherwise the upper layers are more youthful, but are supported by older, “stretched out elastic”, thinner skin that continues to slide down and away, thanks to gravity, so your skin is not as healthy nor beautiful, nor is aging slowed nor reversed as much as or as is BEST possible.
My maximal, physician strength skin products and peels penetrate as deeply as any skin ingredients and products can, due to containing the MAXIMAL amount and concentration that formulas can hold, correct chemical forms and quality of ingredients- but even maximal strength can only penetrate ½-3/4 of the depth of the skin. CORRECT lasers must then be utilized that can penetrate because of their technology and treat from the top of the skin all the way down to the muscle underneath the skin, There are few that can penetrate into these deep areas. No matter how strong, therapeutic, concentrated or chemically correct skin products or peels are, they can only penetrate and treat so deeply, through the entire epidermis and into the upper to mid dermis, because the ingredients that penetrate get absorbed and used up by the skin cells they come in contact with on the way down and through the layers.
Remember too that lasers work on collagen and you have to build collagen, with correct skin products, peels, supplementation and if needed hormones, as much as possible BEFORE lasering – even with the one that penetrates the most deeply, so the laser has something to work on, in order to get best results and the best use of time and money, otherwise you only get a fraction of the laser result you invested in. You also have to have raw materials (vitamins, minerals, omega’s, protein, hormones, etc) at the construction site which the laser makes the skin into, in order to build new collagen.
I have learned with lasers and most technology to not only evaluate and compare based on our fund of knowledge and input from other trusted practitioners worldwide with different points of view, but often to wait and see how something works over an appropriate period of time, because “advancements” are often brought to market to much fanfare and touting, with little to no long-term nor objective experience and feedback- in order to properly evaluate and compare results and give time for potential side effects to show themselves. SO many of these lasers are essentially just more of the same old or reinvented- commerce not best science, NOT the best tool for the job and not the best use of time and money. Everything that I use, recommend and do NOT – is for a reason – what works best, fastest, most economically, is the best use of time, minimizes down time, is doable, does not betray your hopes and dreams, provides best solutions for skin of every color and sex, for slowing down and turning back the clock, optimal entire skin health and beauty. I practice medicine and science not commerce.
These are the lasers I use and recommend for MAXIMAL results:
Fractora, Forma, Body FX and Lumecca
As I continually research the latest technology on the market today, I have found that the Fractora, Form Plus and BodyFxprove to be the BEST tools-for-the-job technology available to give you the prevention, reversal and restoration results you are seeking, MOST visibly lifting, tightening, volumizing, rejuvenating, reducing fatty tissues and deposits and re-contouring your face and body, AND exceptional results skin resurfacing ALL areas of the body.
FRACTORA delivers surgical result improvements in most all patients treating the broadest range of symptoms of aging skin, all with one treatment or a series of lesser treatments for less downtime. It is the BEST tool for the job and MOST effective use of time and money in MY experience at this moment in time.
It improves wrinkles, texture, pigment, scarring, volume loss, stretch marks, blood vessels and redness, tightens, lifts and firms in a single treatment session. Fractora offers improvements for aging skin that would normally require several different technologies. It can be used on the entire body and do NOT forget hands as you want your entire body to look the same age! The most common areas of treatment are to firm and tighten the eyelids, entire face, neck, chest, hands, knees, arms. These are some photos of results of patients doing nothing else but having one Fractora treatment done.
FORMA uses a DEEPLY and WIDELY penetrating technology into the skin with minimal downtime, NO pain at all, immediate, long lasting, personifying with every treatment natural-looking, just younger you lifting, tightening, volumizing results.
Your skin feels and looks smoother due to texture, definition and decreased wrinkle improvement. FORMA PLUS treats and tightens sagging skin on the entire face particularly visible for the forehead, crows feet, upper eyelids, lower eyelids, nasolabial folds, jowls, smile lines and neck. Treatment of your body helps significantly lift and firm arms, abdomen (used a lot after pregnancy as well), legs, buttocks-all areas that need contraction and definition in men and women. Series of treatments for optimal rejuvenation and ongoing for maintenance and ANTI-gravity. THE strongest tightening laser on the market I have found consistently having used them all- due to the strength, depth and global wide penetration.

Before After
Body FX will help re-shape, contour and dissolve problematic fatty tissue, as a non-surgical alternative to liposuction.
BODY FX targets problematic fatty accumulation and cellulite tissues for improvements in the appearance of your body, by helping reshape, reduce the genetically determined fat deposits you just cannot rid, restore and improve the contours of your body, offering a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. It is ALWAYS best to burn fat via the health ACTION PLAN BUT there are deposits where you have to have technology to accomplish the goal-otherwise that fat is not going. In most cases this external method of permanently ridding fat cells is the best tool for that job. If not anatomically, and you need internal melting of the fat then this machine will do this as well and I will tell you of your alternatives and the up and downsides of them.
BodyFx lifts and tightens as it rids fat unlike liposuction or most methods, which makes you lose circumference by burning, lifting, tightening, helping rid crinkles and cellulite as well. I cannot win this fat battle IF you are not helping me internally with diet and exercise and optimizing your metabolism, hormones and health. I teach you the doable how to and I am not into deprivation so do not worry….but my definition and yours may need synergizing.
Lumecca treats a variety of skin types and conditions such as vascular and pigmented lesions. It is optimal for age spots, freckles, spider veins and rosacea, to treat damaged skin most efficiently.
Lumecca is a safe, non-surgical treatment using the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) device to treat common skin blemishes and irregularities. By selectively targeting affected areas, Lumecca can treat skin pigmentation, vascular lesions, skin texture irregularities, and sun damage and redness, darker discolored patches or dark spots from acne scarring.
I also recommend Varilite and Smoothbeam:
VARILITE is also an excellent one for the same. Brown spots and growths of the entire body are often best treated by my Perfecting Peel.
VariLite™ Laser used to treat blood vessels, angiomas (benign blood vessel tumors), diffuse redness, brown spots, acne, and facial rejuvenation. This laser is especially effective in treating blood vessels due to sun damage or acne rosacea. It is also highly effective in removing angiomas, those small, red, circular lesions that can be scattered over the entire body and works very well in diminishing poikiloderma, the reddish-brown discoloration on the neck and chest due to sun damage.


SMOOTHBEAM when coupled with my skin care treatment, can be a true treatment for acne/blemishes. Smoothbeam is non-invasive and does not burn, cut, or remove the skin surface. Instead, Smoothbeam stimulates the body’s natural collagen-building process. The Smoothbeam actually alters the function of the oil-producing sebaceous glands, thereby reducing active acne. This effect reduces the occurrence of future acne scarring. In addition, the Smoothbeam laser has been reported to improve sebaceous hyperplasia and other skin problems.


Why Sclerotherapy…
SCLEROTHERAPY – for getting rid of veins in the legs – Sclerotherapy and injection from a vein specialist-remains the TREATMENT OF CHOICE for spider veins.
Also known as telangiectasia, spider veins are dis-proportionately more common in women than men. Factors such as heredity, internal health, hormonal, pregnancy, occupation, and activity play a significant role in the development of such veins. Although telangiectasia is generally of insignificant medical concern, the aesthetic concern can be overwhelming, and can create a disfiguring appearance that can ruin the self-esteem of many persons. Although many individuals come in seeking laser treatments for their spider veins, Sclerotherapy is the gold standard in care and still does a more precise and long-lasting job at removing such veins over laser.
Spider veins are not varicose veins. Spider veins reside quite superficially in the dermis of the skin and are readily visible. Varicose veins are much larger, rope like, twisted and knotted, and they are much deeper in the skin. You can feel them, and see them and they are usually a bluish green color. Varicose veins are a medical condition that requires other, more intense treatments, such as internal laser or surgical removal.
Spider veins can easily be treated in the medical office as an outpatient procedure. With the injection of a sclerosant into these tiny veins, improvement can be seen immediately, although more than one treatment may be required. There can always be bruising, and everyone should wear compression temporarily, just as with laser treatment of veins. Pain is minimal and is more like an insect bite than a true painful stick of a needle.